- Foster a culture of innovation and entrepreneurship among MSMIs owners, Industrialists, and employees. This can be done by providing training and education on innovation, entrepreneurship and business management, as well as by creating an environment that avoids risk-taking and encourages creativity.
- Support the development and adoption of new technologies and commercialization of R&Ds by MSMIs. This can be done by providing financial assistance, technical assistance, and access to markets.
- Strengthen the linkages and collaboration between MSMIs, research institutions, development institutions and private sector. This can be done by funding joint research projects, providing internships for MSMIs employees, and facilitating technology transfer, and knowledge sharing.
- Promote the use of science-based quality management practices by MSMIs. This can help them to improve the quality of their products and services, which can lead to increased productivity and competitiveness.
- Support the development of science, technology, and innovation (STI) infrastructure in MSMIs clusters. This includes building research and development (R&D) facilities, incubators, and accelerators.
- Promote and support Create a favorable policy environment for MSMIs This includes providing access to finance, reducing regulatory barriers which includes tax breaks with regulatory reforms and promoting fair trade practices with access to foreign markets.