PAOSMI envisions a thriving, sustainable and globally competitive African industrial ecosystem, driven by innovative small and medium Scale Industries (SMIs), as a leading contributor to the overall industrialization and sustainable socio-economic growth and development of the African continent and its people.
To empower and promote Micro, Small, and Medium Industries (MSMIs) to catalyze industrial development in African through conducive policy and regulatory frameworks and by leveraging on knowledge-driven Innovative Ecosystem of Science, Technology, and Innovation (STI), Digitization and Fintech, with requisite Industrial Skills Development Schemes, Engagement, and Resilience-building , while protecting and defending their core values and collective interests at all times as well as enhancing Global Competitiveness ranking.
PAOSMI envisions a thriving, sustainable and globally competitive African industrial ecosystem,
driven by innovative small and medium Scale Industries (SMls}, as a leading contributor to the overall industrialization and sustainable socio-economic growth and development of the African continent and ' its people.
To empower and promote Micro, Small, and Medium Industries (MSMls) with Startups to catalyze industrial development in African
through conducive policy and regulatory frameworks and by leveraging on knowledge-driven Innovative Ecosystem of Science,
Technology, and Innovation (STI), Digitization and Fintech, with requisite Industrial Skills Development Schemes, Engagement,
and Resilience-building, while protecting and defending their core values and collective interests at all times as well
as enhancing Global Competitiveness ranking.