a) Ordinary Members
These are individual Industrial base companies or organizations engaged in business or economic activities (Agro/Food processing, and Beverages |Textile, Garment and Fashion Design |Leather, Leather Products and Handicrafts |Woodworks & carpentry |Ceramics & pottery |Base Metal, Iron and Steel and Fabricated Metal Products |Electrical and Electronics |Renew energy, solar works |I.C.T, Fintech & Startups |Chemicals & pharmaceuticals & Cosmetics |Mechanical & Technical Works & Fasteners| Building Materials & Construction |Pulp, Paper and Paper Products, Printing, graph, Publishing and Packaging |Domestic and Industrial Plastics, Rubber and Foam |services |consultancy, etc).
(b) Affiliate Members
These are the industrial/sectoral associations, industrial groups, Cooperatives or trade associations and Chambers
C) Institutional Members
These are government, intergovernmental, Research Institutions/Universities & Development partners.
- Agro/Food processing, Beverages and Tobacco
- Textile, Wearing Apparel, Leather, Leather Products and Handicrafts
- Woodworks & carpentry
- Ceramics & pottery
- Base Metal, Iron and Steel and Fabricated Metal Products
- Electrical and Electronics
- C.T, Fintech & Startups
- Chemicals & pharmaceuticals
- Mechanical & Technical Works
- Building Materials & Construction
- Pulp, Paper and Paper Products, Printing, graph, Publishing and Packaging
- Domestic and Industrial Plastics, Rubber and Foam
- Services
Participation in High Level Engagements with key policy makers to address urgent emerging issues
impacting on business environment and the industry across the continent.
- Access to sector information through various communication platforms
- Issuance of a PAOSMI Membership Certificate
- Exchange of views and expertise with other PAOSMI members
- Influence decision-making and develop common positions on through PAOSMI advocacy and lobbying activities
- Networking opportunities offered by an organization within the continent, region and country level.
- Partnership opportunities in various areas and discounted Attendance at Fee-based Trainings and Conferences
- Listing on PAOSMI website
- Services